The Last Pronouncement


I stacked mischoices
They were mistaken after all although I believed each best choices at turning points

They seem to have been very ridiculous things
A poor clown who are dancing
Really shits! Damn it!

They were foolish choices
As the result they made only innumerable agonies and sorrows and hate

Shouldn't imitate of me
Hold me up to ridicule just
It's the only value of mine which remain

Has come, which will end my life
Don't want to interfere any longer
I should quit further vain efforts

Should declare to myself
"Already everything is over"
No doubt the last pronouncement that is

Had tried to be sincere
However, in the end high-minded intention was trampled by an imprudent fellow

I embodied "honesty does not pay"
Every trust for the world died out, then isolation was born

A void swallows me
No, I noticed finally that already had been executed from the beginning

Way to withstand deception and vigor were already empty
There is no worth and a reliance here

The time which should be given up came
Please leave out to somewhere
This anguish has no meaning any longer

Should declare to all
"Already everything is over"
Surely the last pronouncement that is

Frozen mind just repeats that own life have been how empty which is like dirt
It's regret for regret
Ah, now I can even be relieved by regretting already
And then a void, just only a void was left behind

The time which should be given up came
Please leave out to somewhere
This anguish has no meaning any longer

Should declare to all
"Already everything is over"
Surely the last pronouncement that is

Has come, which will end my life
Don't want to interfere any longer
I should quit further vain efforts

Should declare to myself
"Already everything is over"
Certainly the last pronouncement that is
The last pronouncement


最善と信じて選んできたものが 結局のところ全て誤りであった

本当に糞! 糞ったれだ!

結果としてそれは無数の苦しみと悲しみを生み 憎悪をもたらしただけだった



"もう何もかもが終わっている" と

しかしその高潔な志は 結局のところ不誠実な者によって蹂躙された

世間へ対してのあらゆる信頼は死に絶え 隔絶が生まれた

否 初めから飲み込まれる途上にあった事に今になって気付いたのだ



"もう何もかもが終わっている" と

そして虚無 ただ虚無だけが残された


"もう何もかもが終わっている" と


"もう何もかもが終わっている" と

Liner Notes

Had despaired when I entered in 2017. Because I have understood that there isn't good future no doubt for me any longer. So one day, I unintentionally remembered that I wrote a fragment of a very sad but fine acoustic melody about 10 years before although it had been suspended while a long time. Then a crazy idea flashed through my mind. That is, was sure that it will become a fucking exciting tune if this melody will be arranged for a metal song. And wanted to reboot ULTIMATA with these tunes, then tried to contact HARO. But there wasn't contact after all from him, so far. Nevertheless... nevertheless, I thought discontinuing these tunes is really regrettable. Therefore I decided to reboot by only myself...

Now, I'd start to say about description of these tunes. Actually a prototype of these tunes had been already completed at the end of the last year's January. Lyrics of "The Last Pronouncement" was written on last Aug. I'm remembering writing out the lyrics together with other two songs which are perfectly my solo projects. Writing the lyrics was far easier than their songs. Because it was merely an expressing my usual emotions. Grumbling about life at SNS etc is just shit. So I made such great shit instead of it!

I feel "The Last Pronouncement" has so many killer riffs. Chorus parts sound like DIMENSION ZERO a little. However simultaneously I'm enough understanding that this song's vocal is fucking poor. Well, I couldn't sing with good health at that time though this is a poor excuse. Therefore I'd like to think this song will become perfect when HARO came back.

The title was modeled on "Ultimatum." If makes an album, I felt that it's proper that starts from "Ultimatum," then it ends in "The Last Pronouncement." And felt to need "A Fragment of Mine" as an aftertaste.

"A Fragment of Mine" is a tune which was straight composed from the primal idea. Especially it is this, this is the first idea of this time's couple tunes that is melodies from 1 min 36 sec. I could easy make this tune after prototype of TLP was created, although I had not been able to progress about this tune a very very long time. Actually, I'm pleased about it as a result, though the title was just a spur-of-the-moment idea. I had nothing any longer at that time which are factors for good Future like hope, dream. So I just only wished someone sometime listen to my music and then would like to memorise a fragment of mine. I wouldn't like to regret remains of my life like shit any longer. Therefore had thought about just only music in the last year.

Somehow I seem to have talked on serious matters, but yet I'm really enthusiastic now. Because a new project started from this year. Thus I'll still try to do the best for it. Of course I'd never forget ULTIMATA too. Cya. Metal on! And stay negative!



実はこれらの曲のプロトタイプは去年の一月末にはもう出来上がっていた。『The Last Pronouncement』の歌詞は8月に書いた。完全な俺のソロプロジェクトの2曲と一緒に書き上げたのを憶えてるよ。この曲の歌詞を書くことはその他の歌よりずっと簡単だった。何故かと言うと、俺の普段の感情を書き表しさえすればそれで良かったからね。 SNSなんかで人生について愚痴るのはただのクソだ。それで俺はそんなことをする代わりにこんなとてつもないクソを作ってやったと言う訳だ!

『The Last Pronouncement』にはとても多くのキラーリフがある様に思う。コーラスパートはちょっとDIMENSION ZEROっぽいよね。だけど同時にこの曲のヴォーカルがとても酷いのは重々承知してるよ。まあ見苦しい言い訳になってしまうけど、レコーディング時、俺は良いコンディションで歌えなかったんだ。だから俺はHAROが戻って来た時にこの曲が完全になると思う事にしている。

タイトルは『Ultimatum』に倣った。もしアルバムを作るとしたら、『Ultimatum』から始まって『The Last Pronouncement』で終わるのが相応しいと思ったのさ。それと余韻として『A Fragment of Mine』が必要だとも思った。 『A Fragment of Mine』は最初のアイディアをそのままに作った曲でね。特に、1分36秒からのメロディが今回対となってる曲の一番初めのアイディアなんだ。とてもとても長い時間、この曲を書き進める事が出来なかったんだけど、『TLP』のプロトタイプが出来上がってからは簡単に書き上がってしまった。実はタイトルも単なるふとした思いつきに過ぎなかったんだけど、結果的には満足してるんだ。その時俺はもう将来への希望や夢といったものを何も持ち合わせちゃいなかった。で、いつか誰かが俺の音楽に耳を傾けて、俺の断片を憶えてくれたらいいなあと思ったのさ。俺はこれ以上クソみたいな人生の残りカスを後悔したくない。だから去年はただひたすらに音楽の事だけを考えていた。

なんだか深刻な話をしてしまったけど、それでも今は本当にノリノリなんだ。今年から新しいプロジェクトを始めたからね。それで俺はそれにベストを尽くすつもりさ。勿論ULTIMATAのことは決して忘れる訳じゃないよ。 それじゃあな。メタルしてくれよ! そしてネガティヴでいろよ!